Amari, church of Agia Anna (Saint Anna)

The double church of Saint Anne outside the village of Amari has undergone several alterations and interventions over the centuries. The original church was single-nave, timber-roofed. The second church, also single-nave and now in ruins, was added to the south of the initial building. In the apse of the original church are preserved frescoes painted in 1225, according to the foundation inscription.


Μ. Ανδριανάκης, Κ. Γιαπιτσόγλου, Χριστιανικά μνημεία της Κρήτης, Ηράκλειο 2012, σ. 303-4.

Σ. Παπαδάκη-Oecland, «Οι τοιχογραφίες της Αγίας Άννας στο Αμάρι. Παρατηρήσεις σε μία παραλλαγή της Δεήσεως», ΔXAE 7 (1973-1974), σ. 31-57.

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