Arkadi Monastery
The Arkadi Monastery was founded at the beginning of the 16th century in the territory that belonged to the powerful Kallergis family. In the second half of the 16th century, when abbot of the monastery was Klimis Chortatzis, by order of Matthaios Kallergis, the large twin church was built, replacing the original single-nave church. The impressive façade, built in the opus isodomum technique with carved motifs, is based on a design of the Italian architect Sebastiano Serlio. In 1866 the monastery became the focal point of the Cretan revolution against the Ottoman rule. The explosion of the monastery's gunpowder magazine by Kostis Giampoudakis and the death of more than 300 of the monastery’s defenders had a significant impact on international public opinion. The Arkadi Monastery houses an exhibition area for sacred icons and relics that were preserved from various disasters or acquired after 1866. There is also a gallery with works by contemporary artists inspired by the monastery's rich history.
Μιχάλης Ανδριανάκης, «Το οικοδομικό χρονικό της Μονής Αρκαδίου», Νέα Χριστιανική Κρήτη 32 (2013), σ. 17-50.
Μ. Ανδριανάκης, Κ. Γιαπιτσόγλου, Χριστιανικά μνημεία της Κρήτης, Ηράκλειο 2012, σ. 274.
Ό. Γκράτζιου, Η Κρήτη στην ύστερη μεσαιωνική εποχή. Η μαρτυρία της εκκλησιαστικής αρχιτεκτονικής, Ηράκλειο 2010, σ. 162-163.
Photo Gallery
- Arkadi Monastery. The catholicon.
- The portico of the west wing.
- The gate of the monastery.