Vosakos Monastery
The foundation of Vosakos Monastery dates back to the late Venetian period. Among the oldest structures of the monastery are the monumental gate with an inscription from 1669 and the elaborately carved fountain from 1673. At the end of the 19th century, the monastery underwent major interventions. The new church (catholicon) was built in 1885. In the 20th century the monastery was abandoned and fell into ruin. In 1997 the monastery was re-established, and underwent a restoration program.
Κ. Γιαπιτσόγλου, Ιερά Μονή Τιμίου Σταυρού Βωσάκου, Ρέθυμνο 2013.
Ό. Γκράτζιου, Η Κρήτη στην ύστερη μεσαιωνική εποχή. Η μαρτυρία της εκκλησιαστικής αρχιτεκτονικής, Ηράκλειο 2010, σ. 162-163.
Μ. Ανδριανάκης, Κ. Γιαπιτσόγλου, Χριστιανικά μνημεία της Κρήτης, Ηράκλειο 2012, σ. 297.
Photo Gallery
- The catholicon.
- The fountain of the monastery.
- The Crucifixion. Icon of the 19th century.
- The folklore exhibition of the monastery.