View of the interior of the temporary exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Rethymnon.

Archaeological Museum of Rethymno - Temporary Exhibition

The temporary exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Rethymno is housed in the church of Saint Francis in the old town of Rethymno, which was the catholicon of the homonymous monastery of the order of Franciscan monks. The church belongs to the type of single-naved, timber-roofed, cross-transept basilica with a rectangular presbytery surrounded by two rectangular chapels.

The archaeological exhibition hosts, exhibits and displays distinct antiquities over time from sites of the Rethymno Regional Unit, demonstrating its fascinating archaeological landscape. It includes findings from systematic excavations of Foreign Archaeological Schools and Institutions of local and foreign Universities and the systematic and rescue excavations of the Archaeological Department. The exhibition is chronologically organized, including finds from residential, burial, and religious ensembles from prehistoric to post-Byzantine times.


Τζιγκουνάκη Α. (επιμ.) (2016).  Οδηγός Αρχαιολογικού μουσείου Ρεθύμνου-Προσωρινή έκθεση. ΥΠΠΟΑ/Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Ρεθύμνου, Ρέθυμνο.